Are you thinking about becoming Catholic?
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is how adults prepare for the sacraments of initiation -- baptism, confirmation, and Eucharist -- and become full members of the Catholic Church.
The spring 2025 cycle, beginning in late January, is full. The next cycle for those who preparing for baptism and those who are already baptized will begin in August 2025.
To talk to someone about the RCIA at Christ the King church, contact Jon Stotts at or 615-777-8910.
Nothing will give you a better sense of Catholic belief and practice than attending our Sunday liturgy, where we gather to hear the word of God proclaimed to us, to be nourished at the table of the Lord, and to accept our communal mission to be Christ to the world. Go to Sunday Mass for at least a few weeks in a row, and then take some time to reflect on your experience. What is most compelling for you about Catholic worship?
Each Sunday from 10AM-11AM we host inquiry meetings for folks interested in joining the Catholic Church. These are informal meetings with a team of parishioners trained to listen to your story, field your questions, and orient you to the process of becoming Catholic. Once you’ve participated in a handful of inquiry sessions, we’ll have a better sense of who you are and what you might need in terms of your religious and spiritual formation.
We schedule our inquiry sessions by appointment from 10am-11am on Sunday mornings. Just call or shoot an email to Jon Stotts, Christ the King’s director of adult faith formation: 615.777.8910 | He’ll reach out to the inquiry team to see if someone is available to meet with you, and then he will confirm with you and send you directions to the inquiry room.
Some other helpful signs that you might be ready include the following:
Here at Christ the King, inquirers are invited to begin formation as group two to three times a year. The formation process has a clear beginning with the rite of welcoming. After the rite of welcoming, candidates begin meeting regularly to explore the contents of the Creed, the sacraments, the moral teaching of the Church, and the life of prayer. As part of this process, candidates get to know one another as they prepare to profess the Catholic faith, celebrate the sacrament of reconciliation, and receive the Eucharist. The process comes to an end with candidates' reception into the Church.
If you are ready to make this commitment, and all other pieces are in place, the next formation cycle will begin in August 2025.
Our Wednesday night formation sessions aren't meant to help people decide whether to become Catholic or not. These sessions are specifically designed to help a group of people who have already made up their minds about becoming Catholic gain a better appreciation and awareness of Catholic faith and practice. Because these sessions involve a degree of sharing and vulnerability, it's important that all the participants share a common commitment.
Second, coming to a decision about becoming Catholic is a highly personal and often gradual experience. We believe that it's important to honor this phase of the journey by giving folks as much time as necessary to grow accustomed to the Catholic way of life, to develop curiosity about our beliefs and practices, and to learn through their experience of the liturgy whether this might be a good fit for you. The process of working through reservations and obstacles takes time. For this reason, we're happy to provide space in our inquiry sessions for you to share your story and ask anything you like. You can also meet with Jon Stotts or our clergy if you're in need of additional resources -- like books to read, things to watch, and questions to ask yourself.
Think of RCIA formation as analagous to premarital preparation. It just wouldn't make sense to go through premarital prep with someone you weren't pretty sure you wanted to marry. Likewise, it doesn't make sense to go through our particular RCIA formation if you're not pretty sure you want to be Catholic.
While Catholics affirm the need for a lifelong and ongoing conversion to Christ, we also recognize that there are some basic habits of belief and practice that will enable you to participate mindfully and enthusiastically as a fully initiated Catholic. Your faith journey so far might have prepared you for what it means to become Catholic, and it’s our responsibility (and honor) to take you the rest of the way by means of the RCIA. We’ll do our best to provide a formation process that addresses your previous religious formation while inviting you to participate with others on a similar formation journey.
For those who are baptized and coming from other Christian faith traditions, we’ve developed a process of formation that normally takes place over a 4-5 month cycle. When there are a sufficient number of inquirers who are ready to move into the next phase, we schedule a Rite of Welcoming and its accompanying retreat. This begins the next formation cycle.
The fall RCIA cycle for baptized Christians normally runs from August - January. The spring cycle runs from January - May.
The spring RCIA cycle is full. If you think you might be ready to participate in a formation cycle in August 2025, please reach out soon.
For those who are seeking baptism, there RCIA process normally requires a full liturgical year. Because it is our practice to baptize adults each year at the Easter vigil, this means that the unbaptized should begin the process of inquiry in the late spring or early summer if they wish to be considered for baptism the following year. (For example, someone who wishes to be baptized at the 2025 Easter vigil should reach out no later than May 2024.)
Marrying a Catholic is a great introduction to Catholicism. Like marriage, initiation into the Catholic Church is a lifelong commitment, and it deserves a similar degree of attention and time. When someone tries to fit the RCIA process into their wedding timeline, it can be hard to focus on the formation process.
The structure and duration of your RCIA experience depends on your religious and spiritual background. Backgrounds vary widely, but you will generally fall into one of two categories:
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process by which adults prepare for the sacraments of initiation -- baptism, confirmation, and Eucharist -- and become full members of the Catholic Church.
The process of becoming Catholic proceeds in four stages. Passage from one stage to the next is marked by a specific rite, a ceremony that is part of the public prayer (liturgy) of the Church. In order, these stages are:
Those who are discerning whether or not to become Catholic are in the stage of Inquiry. Since inquiry begins when you first start wondering about the Catholic Church, you might have been here for awhile. This is the time to begin attending Sunday Mass regularly, to get to know some Catholics, and to familiarize yourself with our faith and practice.
It's important not to rush this stage. We encourage all inquirers to take their time to discern whether becoming Catholic is the best thing for them to undertake at the present moment. Some helpful signs that you might find yourself happy in the Catholic Church include the following:
To help you with this, we offer weekly Sunday inquiry sessions. These sessions provide a space for you to ask questions, to hear from others who are on similar journeys, and to get used to sharing your own faith experience. These sessions also help us get to know you, which becomes important as we chart the best way forward for you.
Our Sunday inquiry sessions currently take place from 10am-11am on Sunday morning in the Cursillo Room. These sessions only take place when when we know inquirers will be present, so if you would like to attend an inquiry session, please contact Jon Stotts at or 615.777.8910.
RCIA formation sessions for catechumens and candidates take place on Wednesday evenings from 7:00pm-8:30pm. These sessions offer a space for prayer, faith sharing, and catechetical instruction. In addition, all are encouraged to participate in parish activities and ministries as an apprenticeship in the Catholic way of life.
The catechumenate is an extended period during which the candidates are given suitable pastoral formation and guidance, aimed at training them in the Christian life (RCIA 75)
The Four RCIA Trainings
There are four kinds of formation, or training, that take place during your time in the RCIA:
Note that only some of these trainings take place on Sundays. For the rest, we invite you to rely on the help of your sponsor, the wider resources of the Church, and your own growing awareness of God’s guidance in your life.
RCIA Formation Sessions