Christ the King Women’s Council
Morning Session Minutes, August 18, 2015
President Priscilla Watson opened the meeting with The Prayer to the Holy Spirit.
Lynda Cathey presented a devotional entitled “Is that not a General” Moses – part 2”
When Moses came from Mt. Sinai with the Commandment tablets and saw how far the Israelites had reverted back to sin, he smashed the tablets. The tribe of Levi, his own personal guard, were ordered to wear their swords and go from tent to tent slaying the defilers. 3500 were killed. Moses trained his army of 5000 who signed contracts with him like mercenaries for 2 years. His army was molded after the Egyptians, but without chariots. Moses asked the Ammorite King for permission to pass through his land; the king said emphatically “no.” Moses’ army fought fiercely, without mercy; then they passed through to the Jordan River and sacked Caanan. Is that not a general? What about the home front? Aaron and Miriam were jealous of Moses – his own siblings. Not only because he married a young Cushite bride, but because they felt they could do just as good a job as Moses. Why didn’t God choose them? God struck Miriam with leprosy for 7 days. Trouble on the battlefield and trouble at home -- Is that not a general? Once a full-scale revolt was underway, led by 3 key leaders – Korah, Dathan and Abriam. 250 well-known mem of the congregation confronted Moses and Aaron accusing them of using their positions for personal gain. After all, there were other more eloquent speakers, for Moses was slow of speech. For this disrespect, Yahweh unleashed wholesome vengeance on the Israelites. The families of the chief 3 leaders were swallowed up by an earthquake. Others died by the thousands from a plague. Moses, commanded by God, fought the Midianites, defeating them, taking much plunder, thousands upon thousands of livestock, gold, silver and bronze. Moses killed all the kings and males as God ordered and captured the women and children. He burned all the cities. Women who were not virgins, even married women, were slain. A portion of the treasure was given to the Levites, keepers of all tributes to Yahweh. All the captains were given their portions for themselves and their families. They were so grateful to God that not one man was lost, they gave back all the gold to Yahweh. This also showed respect to Moses. When general’s men show such loyalty, the battle is half won. We might wonder how Moses could slay so many. During the civil war, President Lincoln told General Sherman to “end this war at any cost.” So after Sherman burned Atlanta and marched his army on, many newly-freed slaves followed behind. This went on for a few days until the army came to a river. They had a roll-up bridge. When the last soldier crossed over, he quickly rolled up the bridge. Many slaves died because they jumped into the river and could not swim. Sherman knew they were slowing him down. When asked later how he had the strength to do such a thing, he replied “I was following orders of the commander-in-chief. I had to focus on that alone.” Is that not a general? God was Moses’ commander-in-chief. We know that Moses passed the torch to Joshua, a young man he had trained for the job, and Joshua was ready. Al generals need a man they can trust to step up to the plate. Finally, at the end of general’s life, there is much ceremony, admiration, honor and respect – well deserved. We know that Moses was finally with our Lord because he was on the hill with Jesus in the Transfiguration – Moses, Jesus and Elijah. (Sources:
These were God’s People, Numbers 21)
We welcomed a new member, Marcia Wilson.
Prayer Requests were offered for Jeri Carver’s daughter, Cynthia Verbinski’s mother, Margaret Rich, those suffering loss out West, and Angela Henrick.
The Madonna Fund was circulated.
The Minutes of May 19 were read by Cynthia Verbinski and approved.
The Treasurer’s Report was read by Helen St. Germain. The report showed a beginning bank balance of $12,626.34, deposits totaling $600.00, and disbursements of $15,800.00 which resulted in a new balance of $11,646.34. Our savings balance remains at $5,113.55. A list was passed so members could check their dues payment status.
Kathy Reece reported on correspondence. We received thank you notes from Sherry Woodman, Father Ryan HS, Catholic Charities, NCCW and Nancy Poll.
Volunteers for the September lunch:
Main Dish Marie Feldhaus & Martha Stasaski
Salad Helen St. Germain and Pat Lavorini
Dessert Marjorie Collins
Bread Bea Hooker
Drinks Rosemarie Barnett
Susie O’Bryan provided the main dish for today’s luncheon.
Old Business
- Samantha Grover was introduced by Sherry Woodman.
- Mary Ann Daugherty thanked us for all the prayers. A discussion ensued concerning Pastoral Ministry and Mary Farfaglia informed us that a “Did you know” would be in the upcoming bulletin. It was requested that contact numbers be included.
- Jeri Carver informed us that the wooden crosses for Confirmands would no longer be considered because the number was too great.
New Business
Parish Festival (9/12/15) - Sign up sheets to bake and to work at cake wheel were circulated. Volunteers were also asked to work the distribution center in the Celebration Room. It was announced that we placed a $250 sponsorship ad in the festival brochure recognizing the scholarship recipient (as usual).
Women’s Council is serving all Masses on September 19-20 – Training will be Saturday, 8/22, at 9:30. Patty Farmer says serving is “rewarding” and training is “painless.” All members should wear their scarves.
July meetings – A motion was approved to permanently cancel July meetings and hold an auction/dinner planning meeting instead.
June luncheon – A motion was approved to move the luncheon to May (due to the excessive heat the last two years) in lieu of a May meeting and hold a meeting in June instead.
Auction/Dinner Planning:
- A meeting was held July 28, 2015, to coordinate ongoing efforts.
- Thanks to Patty Farmer for coordinating the new sign for winner of week-end parking places. Kathy Reece with send a thank you note to Connie and Brett Wesnofske for their assistance.
- New solicitation letter from Father Dexter and Donor form were provided.
- All members were asked to solicit items for the auction and bring an item for TN basket.
- Marie Feldhaus provided a list from Sacred Heart that had ideas for auction items/suppliers.
- An invitation will be in bulletin and online on October 2nd; “last chance” flyer will be in bulletin on Halloween.
- Scholarship recipient Samantha Grover will be invited along with her family and will be recognized at the dinner.
- “Dessert of the Month” sign up was circulated. We hope to do at least one for the auction.
- Pat Lavorini asked that people put an estimate on the cost of any item provided for a basket.
- Ann Wehby asked for a volunteer to create the name labels for the event and Cynthia Verbinski offered.
Willa Holmer and Mary Farfaglia provided information from the August 1 Council of Catholic Women Training Day and read a letter from Patty Johnson. They are trying to expand membership. New ideas for the parish level include RCIA candidate support, sending cards to new parishioners/communicants/confirmation students, shut-in contact.
Barbara Nanni asked that we make a donation of $100 to support the fundraiser for Camp Marymount and it was approved.
Ann Wehby thanked us for the cross she received and asked for help to sort and price the garage sale merchandise starting next Wednesday.
Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 15.
The meeting was adjourned with a prayer to Our Lady of Good Counsel and Grace before lunch.
Respectfully Submitted, Cynthia Verbinski, Recording Secretary