Remember to let go of the complexities of your life long enough, often enough, to experience a sense of spaciousness, an opening to that which is not part of your ordinary level of consciousness. To keep the Sabbath holy is to leave the clutter of your everyday life and the restrictions of routines. It is to cross a threshold leading out of a constricted consciousness into a wider and deeper awareness of What Is always around and within – but which we humans can fail to notice in our hurriedness, our preoccupations, our blindness.
One of my spiritual mentors reminded me, “Keeping Sabbath is right up there with ‘you shall not kill or commit adultery.’” In today’s reading I hear an gentle but insistent voice calling me, for my own good, to cross that threshold from the expected, the usual, the normal into a fuller sense of the world that exist within and beyond the little world created by my mind, a fuller sense of Self that exists within and beyond the false sense I hold of myself. The call is to rest unencumbered with One who wants to refresh and renew me, to refresh and renew all of us, through the holy practice of keeping Sabbath.