One of the most famous prayers that is to be said repetitively as a form of meditation is the Jesus Prayer - “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me.” Often said in sync with one’s breathe or heartbeat, the prayer is meant to descends from one’s mind to one’s heart, to become an embodied prayer.
I hope you won’t think me too arrogant, but I have changed some of the words of this prayer. Believe me, I know that I am in need of mercy It is simply that it seems to me the spiritual life is like the steps up to my back porch - there are two of them. The first step is receiving God’ mercy; the second step is giving away what I have received. While I continue to be grateful for mercy, grace and love received, what I need help in doing is carrying that mercy, grace and love out into the world. And so I pray, teach me to love.
Our tradition is big on examining our lives, naming our faults and seeking forgiveness and mercy. May we never loose track of that step in the spiritual life. But I also want to take the second step - the paying it forward. I believe we are meant to make manifest mercy, grace and love. Mercy, grace and love flow from their source, God, to me - and then are meant to continue on their journey.
I am getting old. At this point of my life, I want my prayer life to be more about gratitude than guilt, more about giving than receiving. And so I pray, Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, teach me to love.