Teens Seeking Confirmation (approximately 8th Grade)
The teen Confirmation program at Christ the King is made of different components and events that foster faith formation.
Our objective is to not merely teach about this aspect of their Christian initiation, but to also support our youth to be mature and active members of our faith community.
Our students work with their homeroom catechist during the week or on Sunday to obtain knowledge related to the Church and its mission. Each explores how s/he will be ministers for the Church using their unique talents and gifts. Along with parents and teachers, all candidates meet with their sponsors regularly to discuss how to live out the Christian life in the midst of our world’s challenges. Sponsors are companions along the journey and witnesses of their candidate's readiness for the sacrament. As a group, the school and parish education candidates participate in events that foster community such as service projects, a retreat, and an enrollment Mass to prepare for Confirmation. This is a two-year process involving the 7th and 8th grade year for most, though we do have some who prepare during their 8th and 9th grade years.
Adults Seeking Confirmation
Jon Stotts - 615-777-8910 - jon.stotts@ctk-nashville.org
Are you a baptized Catholic adult who celebrated Eucharist as a child but was never confirmed? Each year, during the Easter season, the bishop celebrates Confirmation with adults in our diocese who are just like you. If you would like to prepare for this celebration, please contact Jon Stotts.