At any time, Kathy Skinner, the executive coordinator (615.292.2884) will help you arrange the date, time and minister for the baptism. and assist you with informatioin about any other preparation. Please click here to read more about the preparation process.
How do I become an extraordinary minister of the Eucharist or a lector?
Jim Bryan coordinates these our extraordinary ministers. His e-mail address is Paz Haynes coordinates our lectors. His email address is
Does a Saturday evening wedding Mass satisfy my Sunday obligation, even if the readings are not the Sunday readings?
Is Ash Wednesday a holy day of obligation?
No, but there are few Catholics who miss it, understanding that this is the beginning of the great Lenten season when we begin again, when God encourages us to start anew.
How do I enroll my child in the school?
Contact Dianne Gerth in the school office for a tour and application packet. You can reach her at 615-292-9465 ext 203 or
Are there times for confessions other than the Saturday afternoon time?
Yes. There are community penance service during Advent and Lent when the parish invites priests from other parishes to help hear confessions. You may also e-mail or call any of the priests of the parish to set a convenient time for confession. Father Dexter: 615-292-2884; or Father Mark:
What if I want to speak to a priest, how do I contact him?
You may e-mail or call any of the priests to find a convenient time for a meeting. Father Dexter: 615-292-2884;, Fr. Mark: 615-292-2884;
How do I learn more about the Catholic faith?
We offer a free-wheeling discussion on Catholicism every Sunday from 10:00am to 11:00am called Inquiry. No question is taboo. Join us anytime in the last meeting room off the Marian Hall lobby, or contact Jon Stotts at 615-777-8910 or
What do I need to do to be married at Christ the King?
We have so many requests for weddings that we must reserve the church for active members and/or people who live within our parish boundaries (generally Wedgewood on the North, Old Hickory Blvd on the South, Hillsboro Road on the West and Franklin Rd/8th Ave. on the East).
The Catholic Church requires every couple to complete some marriage preparation. At Christ the King, we ask that you contact us at least six months before your wedding date. For more information, contact Kathy Skinner at 615-292-2884 or
How do I become a member of Christ The King?
Please fill in the information online and we will contact you with everything needed to complete your registration. Thank you for inquiring about joining Christ the King.