The First Reconciliation and Eucharist Programs for Christ the King Parish and School are integral parts of our children’s faith journey. Our objective is to teach our students how to appreciate our liturgical and sacramental tradition as ongoing resources in their faith formation. Our celebrations are communal and our participation has three key components and expectations: participating in Sunday Mass, faithfully participating in a religious education class in our school or PREP ministry and participating in family practices of prayers, Catholic traditions and lessons sent home by the catechists. In addition, we ask that each student have a foundational year of formal religious education before entering the sacramental preparation sessions.
As a group, the school and PREP students celebrate their enrollment before First Penance and have a retreat before receiving First Eucharist with the parish community on a Sunday, another step in the initiation process of our faith.
Children who join us after second grade but have not prepared for and celebrated Reconciliation and Eucharist will have a process outlined for them by the Director.