A Liturgy of the Word funeral rite will be celebrated for Margaret (Peggy) Davis on Tuesday, Dec. 6, at 1:00 pm with prelude music beginning at 12:30 pm.
Join us on Wed. Nov. 30 for a choral concert with Bishop Spalding. Please note that this performance will be recorded. Attendance signifies your willingness to be on camera and acknowledges your awareness of video and sound equipment in the church. RSVP Requested by Mon. Nov. 28. Admission is free.
Sign up here to help us spread Christmas cheer with our friends at Mur-ci Homes. The party is on Dec. 10 at 1:00 pm in our parish hall. Finally back to in-person!
Help us help others! Click here to sign up to manage the angel tree gift tag table after a mass during the next four weekends. Details are on the signupgenius.
Click here to sign up for a half-hour slot for adoration. If all slots are full, feel free to drop by anytime between 7:30 am and 2:30 pm. Benediction, including our school students, will be at 2:30.