Rev. Dexter Sutton Brewer
The Parish Pastoral Council consists of members of the Christ the King parish, staff members and the pastor in providing leadership and approving of large projects.
Members of the Parish Pastoral Council: Father Dexter Brewer, Pastor & Chairman; Alan Mila, School Principal; Kirsten Osborne, Children's Formation Director; Bill O'Bryan, School Council Chair; Lucia Huskey, Director Liturgy & Music; Jon Stotts, Adult Faith Formation Director; Dave Lybarger, Deacon; Brian Schulz, Deacon; Kathy Skinner, Executive Coordinator; Pat Watson, Finance Council Chair; Brett Wesnofske, Campus Committee; Margaret Emsweller, Pastoral Care Coordinator; Thomas Meyer, Parishioner; Heads of Ministries: Elizabeth Ministry, Peace through Justice, Room in the Inn, Respect Life, Knights of Columbus, and Women’s Council.
CLICK HERE for the minutes…