Christ the King International Newcomer Ministry
Christ the King volunteers assist refugee students at The International Newcomer Academy at John Overton High School. We need volunteers to work with ELL (English Language Learner) students during school hours (7:05am-2:05pm) for one to one and a half hours a week.
Our volunteers will be asked to meet with students weekly to help them learn basic skills. Cheryl Jolley, the ESL teacher, has taught ESL classes for over 10 years, and she will give the students instructions. She will ask volunteers to help with her assignments, and she will be in the classroom to help volunteers as we help students.
The Christ the King Peace Through Justice Committee is offering this opportunity to make a difference in the life of one of the newest members of the Nashville Community!
Please contact Jeanne Marchetti 615-804-9807 ( or jim Bryan 615-351-8155 ( for additional information about this Christ the King Peace Through Justice Project.
The Christ the King Haiti Project
Christ the King has been twinned with a parish in Haiti since the late 1970s through the Parish Twinning Program of America. This program includes approximately 350 parishes throughout the United States.The longterm focus of Christ The King’s Haiti ministry is to help educate the children of our twin parishes of Notre Dame d’Altagrace (Our Lady of Grace) and Notre Dame des Sept Doleurs (Our Lady of Seven Sorrows).
We do this by helping build schools, provide teacher pay and learning materials.As needs arise and fit into our overall mission of improving the lives of our twinned parishioners, we send a wider assortment of goods. In the past, we’ve shipped a container of goods (everything from personal hygiene products to a pick-up truck) to our parishes.
For additional information. see the Haiti Twin Parish page under the Outreach tab of this website or contact Dave Kuhlman
Green Bag Lady
Green Bag Lady is an eco-friendly service project started by former parishioner Teresa Granath. (Her family moved to Colorado a year or so ago.) She became tired of seeing the plastic Kroger bags fill up in her kitchen, so she began the project.
We give away fabric bags FREE in exchange for a promise to use them instead of paper or plastic. The bags are sewn by volunteers (most of whom are CTK parishioners) and all the fabric used to make the bags is donated. We give the bags away at events and Farmers Markets. Our goal is to make the world a cleaner place by stopping the use of single-use plastic bags. At this point we have given away over 30,000 bags all over the world.
Green Bag Lady has given away bags at the last few years of the Community Festival and we provide bags for the guests of Room in the Inn. We love providing auction items too. The volunteers meet at CTK on Sundays to cut the fabric, then we take them home and sew the bags. For additional information, contact Ann Wehby or 615-476-2222.
The National website can be viewed at