Andy was born on March 25, 1949 in Nashville, Tennessee at the old Saint Thomas Hospital, the second of six sons to Deacon Joseph (1st Permanent deacon at Christ The King) and Winifred Watson McKenzie (Founding director of St. Patrick family shelter).
He attended Saint Edward School in the first grade and then attended Christ the King in the 2nd through 8th grades. He graduated in 1968 from Father Ryan on Elliston Place.
After one year at Middle Tennessee State University, he entered the Army and received an honorable discharge with the rank of Sergeant E5 in December of 1971. He married Polly Boner on February 13, 1971 while on leave from the Army. He has been happily blessed with six children, who all attended Christ the King. He also has ten loving grandchildren.
After a cursillo, ministry formation, many retreats and much prayer and discernment he decided to enter the deaconate training program. He was ordained a permanent deacon in May, 1999 and was assigned to assist at Christ the King. Andy retired in June 2020.