1/25/2025 & 1/26/2025 | 2 Ordinary | Retreat and rite of Welcoming | | | |
1/29/2025 | 3 Ordinary | God, Faith, and Divine Revelation | Jon Stotts | TIOF Chp. 1 & 2 | What do Catholics mean by "God"? How do we come to know God? |
2/5/2025 | Presentation of the Lord | Jesus, Son of God and Atoning Savior | Jonathan McGee | TIOF Chp. 3-4 | Why did God become human? Why did Jesus suffer and die? Why was he raised from the dead? |
2/12/2025 | 5 Ordinary | The Holy Spirit | Jim Bryan | TIOF Chp. 5 | Why did God send the Spirit after Jesus' ascension? What difference does the Holy Spirit make in our lives? |
2/19/2025 | 6 Ordinary | The Four Last Things | Kelsi Ray | TIOF Chp. 11 | What happens when we die? What does it mean to look forward to the resurrection? |
2/26/2025 | 7 Ordinary | Lent and the Liturgical Year | Jon Stotts | All. Year Catholic Compendium | What is Lent? How does the liturgical year work? How does each season reflect the life of Christ? |
3/5/2025 | 8 Sunday / Ash Wednesday | | No session - Go to an Ash Wednesday liturgy | | |
3/12/2025 | 1 Lent | The Church as the People of God | Stephen Camarata | TIOF Chp. 7 & 8 | What is the Church? What is the mission of the Church in the world? What makes people part of the Church? |
3/19/2025 | 2 Lent | Mary and the Communion of Saints | Kate McGee | TIOF Chp. 10 | Why is Mary so important to Catholics? How is she a model of Catholic prayer? What does it mean to be a saint? |
3/26/2025 | 3 Lent | Paschal Mystery in Liturgy and Sacraments | Jim Bryan | Richstatter | Why do we use ritual and liturgy? How do the sacraments help us to participate in the suffering, death, and resurrection of Christ? |
4/2/2025 | 4 Lent | Baptism and Confirmation | Stephen Camarata | TIOF Chp. 13 | What happens when we are baptized? Why do Catholics baptize babies? |
4/9/2025 | 5 Lent | Eucharist | Jon Stotts | TIOF Chp. 14 | What is the point of the Mass? What does the priest do, and what do we do? |
4/16/2025 | Palm Sunday | | | | |
4/23/2025 | Easter | Bishops, Priests, and Deacons | Stephen Camarata (featuring Fr. Mark) | TIOF Chp. 16 | Why does the Church have a hierarchy? How do deacons, priests, and bishops differ from one another? What do the clergy and the laity all share? |
4/30/2025 | Divine Mercy | The Sacrament of Marriage | Kate McGee | TIOF Chp. 17 | What does it mean to be married? What is sacramental marriage, and why is it important? How do Catholics get married? |
5/7/2025 | 3 Easter | The Sacrament of Reconciliation | Jonathan McGee | TIOF Chp. 15 | What happens to our relationship with God and others when we sin? How does the sacrament of reconciliation fix this? |
5/14/2025 | 4 Easter | Catholic Morality and Conscience: Loving God and Loving Neighbor | Kelsi Ray | TIOF Chp. 18 | How do we learn to make good decisions? What is an informed conscience? |
5/21/2025 | 5 Easter | Catholic Social Teaching | Jim Bryan | Mark Shea | What does it mean that we are made in the image of God? Why is this important for the Church's social teachings? |
5/28/2025 | 6 Easter | Grace and the Moral Law | Jonathan McGee | TIOF Chp. 20-22 | What does it mean to be a good person? What is the moral law? What is grace? |
6/4/2025 | 7 Easter | The Lord's Prayer | Kelsi Ray | TIOF Chp. 23-24 | How do Catholics pray? |
6/8/2025 | Pentecost | Initiations | | |