Help us make a difference in North Nashville!
The Thea Bowman Ministry invites you to join our fundraiser for St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church's food pantry. With empty shelves and a desperate need for supplies, your donations can provide nourishment to families in our community. Every dollar you give ensures that no one goes hungry.
Typical Tuesdays & Thursdays at the food pantry this summer had 50 walk-ups a day, and the need has doubled! The pantry needs funds immediately.
Please help support our brothers & sisters in North Nashville.
Why Black Lives Matter Educational Series
In June 2020, after the murder of George Floyd by four Minneapolis police officers, CTK parishioners met on Zoom for a three week series entitled “Why Black Lives Matter.” In this series, folks discussed the difference between individual and systemic racism and used this distinction to better understand the death of George Floyd, the ongoing prevalence of white supremacy, and the protests erupting around the country.
Read more about these sessions here
Following up on these educational sessions, parishioners collaborated in two forum sessions designed to create opportunities for concrete involvement in racial justice.
In the first of these sessions, participants brainstormed a list of possible projects that might advance anti-racism within the parish or in the wider Nashville community. In the second forum, participants evaluated this list and prioritized the projects that were feasible and relevant. Six of these projects generated enough immediate interest and commitment that small working groups of parishioners were formed around them. The others priorities were designated for future review.
Building a Relationship with St. Vincent de Paul Parish
One of the six projects working group was tasked with building a relationship between Christ the King and St. Vincent de Paul, the historically black Catholic parish in North Nashville. Their first step was to find out how CTK might participate in ongoing efforts at St. Vincent to support their parish and community.
As will be unsurprising to anyone familiar with the history of the north side, St. Vincent’s neighborhood has folks who struggle to host a Thanksgiving feast for their families. Every year, the parish raises money to provide boxes of food from Second Harvest Food Bank, supplemented with other donations and purchased food goods. Christ the King parishioners offered to help. After some fruitful conversations with St. Vincent’s staff, this working group created three opportunities for CTK parishioners to join in St V's annual Thanksgiving drive.
First, thanks to the generosity of those involved in our initiative, the working group raised $5195 to contribute to the cost of the food boxes and supplemental items. Given that this fundraiser was internal to CTK's anti-racism group and not circulated to the wider parish, this was a very successful fundraiser.
Second, CTK provided two teams of volunteers to assist with the drive, one to help pack the boxes, and the other to distribute them. Both the funds and the volunteers were very happily received, and we think these efforts have contributed to the growing relationship between St. Vincent’s and CTK.
Third, one very positive outcome of these efforts is that Christ the King’s annual angel tree ministry was able to join with St. Vincent de Paul to help those who were struggling to provide a happy Christmas for their family.
Ongoing Efforts
In June of 2022, CTK hosted a celebration of Juneteenth with members of the St. Vincent de Paul community. Numbers greatly exceeded expectations, as folks gathered on the CTK school field over BBQ, potluck food, and live music.
In July 2022, the working group collaborated with folks from St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church to host a joint "meet and eat" entitled Six for Sainthood. This evening offered folks from both parishes a chance to share a meal and learn about six Black saints on the road to canonization from Deacon Harry and Cheryl Guess.
CTK parishioners returned to SVP in November 2022 to help with the annual Thanksgiving drive. In addition, CTK partnered with SVP's angel tree ministry to help families provide Christmas gifts for their children.
The Formation of the Thea Bowman Ministry
After several years of mutual and fruitful collaboration between Christ the King and St. Vincent de Paul, members of both parishes agreed for formalize their commitment to ongoing fellowship and service by creating the Thea Bowman Ministry. This is a volunteer-led ministry of both parishes meant to create opportunities for mutual fellowship, formation, and service in our parishes, especially in the context of our Church's complicated relationship with racial justice.
Contact Brittany Meriwether to get involved.