You have arrived at this site because there is something m,issing in your life. You may not be sure of just what that is yet but this longing was planted in your heart at your baptism and you want to fill that void. Don’t worry, take it as slow or as fast as you like. Your home is waiting for you.
You may be a bit apprehensive. You ask yourself, “Do I really want to take that first step?” I have so much to do and it seems like such a big commitment. Again, don't worry. Christ will lead you to the place you want to be—no rush. He is waiting for you.
If you have questions or doubts and you would like to just “explore your options,” please contact us. There is always someone ready to listen and to help you take that first step toward coming home if you want to - no pressure. Many of us were right where you are today. Of course, none of us is perfect and that is why we need each other. We are all at different levels of spiritual growth and the truth of the matter is……we miss you!