Have additional suggestions? Email Jon Stotts at jon.stotts@ctk-nashville.org.
Epilogue: Committing to Anti-Racism
7-8:30pm on Thursday, June 25
Facilitated by Jon Stotts
We've spent the last three weeks learning about systemic racism, examining our own role in perpetuating it. Now it's time to decide how we implement what we've learned -- in our individual lives, in our parish, in our workplaces, in our schools, and in our society. Join us in this final session for an open-ended and practical conversation about how we will continue this work. Bring your experiences, your ideas, and your willingness to work for change.
This series will take place on Zoom. You will need to register ahead of time for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Missed last week? No problem -- join us anyway!
Find the content slides and recommended reading below.
White Discomfort, Civil Rights, and the Catholic Church
7-8:30pm on Thursday, June 18
Facilitated by Jon Stotts
Zoom Registration
Powerpoint Presentation Slides
Articles and Podcasts
Over the last weeks, people all over the world have risen up in protest of white supremacy, police brutality, and a corrupt criminal justice system. Many Catholic bishops and priests have been outspoken in their support for these protests, and numerous Catholics have joined in advocating for racial justice as an integral part of the Church's pro-life commitments.
What does the Church teach about structural racism? How do Catholics of good will engage in the work of anti-racism? What resources does our faith offer us? This session will offer us an opportunity to discuss why being Catholic requires us to affirm, in word and deed, that Black lives matter.
This series offers a space for those of us who benefit from white privilege to learn about systemic racism, to examine our own role in perpetuating it, and to personally and concretely engage in the work of justice.
This series will take place on Zoom. You will need to register ahead of time for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Missed last week? No problem -- join us anyway! Find last week's content slides and recommended reading below.
George Floyd, Racialized Violence, and Criminal Justice Reform
7-8:30pm on Thursday, June 11
Facilitated by Jon Stotts
Zoom Registration
Powerpoint Presentation Slides (PDF)
Articles and Podcasts
Birdwatching, White Privilege, and Systemic Racism
7-8:30pm on Thursday, June 4
Facilitated by Jon Stotts
Powerpoint Presentation Slides: Download here (PDF)
Articles to read
Videos to watch
Books to read
Actions to take
Additional resources
In 2001, Pope John Paull II wrote, “Every upright conscience cannot but decisively condemn any racism, no matter in what heart or place it is found.” The murder of George Floyd is one more link in a chain of racial injustice stretching back to our country’s origins, and Catholics of good will must decisively condemn and renounce this culture of death.