Christ the King Women's Council, founded in 1937, has served our parish, the Catholic community and Nashville for over five generations. Service programs and fundraising events benefit our parish and a variety of charitable organizations.
All women of the parish are members of the Women's Council and are encouraged to participate. Dues are $20 annually. Meetings are usually held in the villa (3007 Oakland Ave.) on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm with a follow up session the following day, Wednesday, at 10:00 am in the Council Room of the parish center. Snacks are served at the evening meeting. Ladies bring bag lunches to the daytime meeting to socialize after the meeting. In June there is sometimes a combined pot-luck dinner or luncheon meeting. There is no meeting in July or December.
Contact any member or officer for more information.
Ebbie Redwine -
Vice President:
Susie Bateman -
Corresponding Secretary:
Recording Secretary:
Karen Musacchio -
Theresa Burdge -
Communications Coordinators / Web Manager:
Beth Chapman
Beth Long